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Please note that links provided within the Lake Placid Police Department website have been provided as a service. The Lake Placid Police Department and the Village of Lake Placid is not responsible for these sites. Use of the links provided from this site is at the sole risk of the user. The Lake Placid Police Department believes the data within this site is correct, but does not warrant the accuracy of the information.

Olympic Venues (ORDA)
Whiteface (518) 946-2223
Mt. Van Hovenburg Sports Complex (518) 523-4436
Olympic Jumping Complex (518) 523-2202
Olympic Center - Arena (518) 523-1655, 1-800-462-6236
Corporate Offices 1-800-462-6236

Lake Placid Municipal Electric (518) 523-2597
Verizon (Telephone)
Spectrum (Cable T.V.) (518) 891-2810


Email the webmaster to suggest a website or to recommend the addition of a link to this page. The Lake Placid Police Department, at it's discretion, will link a website that is informational and helpful to the residents and visitors of Lake Placid.

We ask that you to contact the webmaster if you have found that a link is broken or is no longer in use.

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