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Rabies vaccination free clinics For all pet dogs, cats and ferrets usually occur every Spring at the Lake Placid Horse Show Grounds.



The purpose of animal control is to educate the public on the responsibility of being a pet owner and to enforce Village animal ordinances. The Lake Placid Police Dept. provides a variety of services that help animals as well as the public: investigating animal bites, handling sick, injured or nuisance animals, removing dead animals, responding to barking/nuisance dog complaints, and transporting lost dogs to the Lake Placid Animal Hospital where their owners can reclaim them.


Within the Village of Lake Placid:


All sworn officers of the Lake Placid Police Dept. act as animal control officer's for the Village of Lake Placid.


Town of North Elba:                                                                                                                 


The animal control officer for the Town of North Elba is appointed by the Town Board. All animal related complaints for the Town of North Elba (except the the Village of Saranac Lake) should be directed to the town animal control officer at 518-354-9397.

What does LPPD do as Animal Control Officers?

  • Educating pet owners of their responsibilities.

  • Enforcing Animal Ordinances.

  • Capturing and impounding stray animals.

  •  Enforcing animal licensing laws.

  • Investigating animal complaints and cruelties.

  • Transportation of stray animals to the shelter.


You've lost your dog, what do you do?


  • Search your surrounding neighborhood.

  • Contact or visit the Lake Placid Animal Hospital.

  • Notify LPPD.


Your dog has been impounded, how do you get it back?


  • Pay seizure fee(s)

  • Provide proof of dog licensing and rabies vaccination to LPPD.

  • Provide proof of ownership.

  • Sign and collect a copy of form (DL-18) from LPPD indicating that the fee(s)s have been collected and the dog is cleared for release.

  • Collect dog from the Lake Placid Animal Hospital.


Seizure fees can be paid at the Lake Placid Police Department. Seizure fees are $150.00 per dog, per seizure. All fee money is payable to "The Village of Lake Placid."

** No seized dog can be released until proof of valid dog license and rabies vaccination is provided.


Dog Licensing:
Any person owning or possessing a dog, while living within the Village of Lake Placid/ Town of North Elba must obtain, and thereafter continuously maintain for the life of the dog, a license pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law.

Licenses are available at:
North Elba Town Clerk
2693 Main St.
Lake Placid, NY 12946

The Annual fee for such license shall be:
$10.00 - if spayed/neutered
$20.00 - if NOT spayed/neutered
    *If the dog is spayed or neutered, a certificate from a licensed veterinarian showing that the dog has been spayed or neutered, unless this proof is already on file with the Town Clerk.
The license is good for one year, renewals will be mailed to the owner from the Town Clerk.



Local laws regulating animals:


Barking Dog –   Local Law 1 of 2001 1. No person shall harbor, own, keep or permit a dog or dogs that howl, bark, cry or make other audible sounds in a unreasonable manner within the limits of the Village of Lake Placid so that the peace and quiet of the neighbor or nearby property owner or occupant is disturbed or the peace, quiet and order of a neighborhood or the public with the village is disturbed. Howling, barking, crying or other audible sounds made by a dog or dogs shall be considered unreasonable if it persists on an intermittent or continuous basis for more than thirty (30) minutes at a time without complete interruption of a least ten (10) minutes continuous duration or if it continues over a period of two (2) hours or more regardless of any interruption time.  Violation of this Local Law shall constitute an offense and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for any offense, and any violation of said Local Law shall constitute disorderly conduct, and any person violating the same shall be declared a disorderly person.



Pooper Scooper – Local Law 3 of 1993  1. It shall be the duty of each dog owner or person having possession, custody or control of a dog to remove any feces left by his dog on any sidewalk, gutter, street or other public area. 2. The provisions of this Local Law shall not apply to a guide dog, hearing dog, or service dog accompanying any person with a disability as defined in subdivision twenty-two hundred and ninety-two (292 - 22) of the Executive Law of the State of New York. 3. This Local Law shall be construed and operate in the same manner as 1310 of the Public Health Law of the State of New York. 4. The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right and shall have the authority to promulgate and adopt rules and regulations to carry out the intent and purpose of this Local Law. Said rules and regulations may supplement, modify and/or amend the express provisions hereof. 

5. Any person violating this Local Law shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). The continuation of a violation of this Local Law shall constitute, for each day the offense is continued, a separate and distinct offense hereunder. 



Dogs Running at Large – Local Law 1 of 1982 1. No owner, custodian, or person who keeps, harbors, or otherwise has charge of any dog, male or female, shall cause or permit such dog to be on any street or other public place in the Village of Lake Placid unless such dog is held on a leash not exceeding (8) feet in length; nor shall any dog be allowed or caused to run at large in the Village of Lake Placid, except on the premises of the person who owns, keeps, or harbors or otherwise has the care or custody of such dog, or except on the premises of another person with the knowledge and consent of such other person.  2. No person shall remove or cause to be removed from any dog, male or female, its harness or leash or entice any dog out of any enclosed, house or grounds of the owner or harborer, or harbor or release such dog to run at large. 3. Any dog control officer, peace officer, constable, police officer, or other authorized individual acting pursuant to special duties, in the employ of or under contract to the Village of Lake Placid or the Town of North Elba having reasonable cause to believe that a person has violated this ordinance shall issue and serve upon such person an appearance ticket for such violation. 4. Any person conviction of a violation of this Local Law shall be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) Each specific violation of this ordinance shall constitute a separate violation pursuant to the Penal Law of the State of New York. 5. In addition to the penalties provided for Paragraph (4) of this local law, any person retrieving a dog from the pound must pay to the Village Clerk of the Village of Lake Placid the fee provided for in Sec. 118 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. All other provisions of Sec. 118 of said law are hereby adopted and made a part of this local law.

Click here for North Country SPCA website.

Lake Placid Police Department

2693 Main Street

Suite 104

Lake Placid, NY 12946



Phone Number: 518-523-3306

Fax Number: 518-523-9601

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